HDL™ 2.5 Macro
Las pruebas realizadas por terceros confirman que nuestras lupas ofrecen la calidad de imagen más clara del sector, con la mejor calidad de resolución óptica y transmisión de luz.
HDL™ 2.5 Macro
The HDL™ 2.5 Macro distinguishes itself with sizeable field width that allows instruments to be transitioned into the field of view with ease.
An elongated bezel also works to reduce head tilt by capitalizing on steeper declination angles.
A recent third-party lab study confirms that we offer the clearest 2.5x loupe in the industry.
Todos los sistemas ópticos están hechos con lentes de vidrio recocido fino de grado A con revestimientos antiarañazos y antirreflejos.
Todas las lentes de soporte están hechas con material de policarbonato de alto índice.
I’ve been using my Orascoptic loupes and light ever since residency. They help maintain proper posture and save my neck and back after hours of surgery. They’re so good, I bought a second pair just before I finished fellowship, and now only use Orascoptic loupes in my private practice. ❞
Manuales de Usuario
*Dr. Mehta is a paid consultant for Orascoptic. The opinions expressed are those of Dr. Mehta. Orascoptic is a medical device manufacturer and does not dispense medical advice. Clinicians should use their own professional judgment in treating their patients.